CVFAIDATE: Dove Mangiare

KUSA DI KÁSA (Cose di Casa)

Estrada Principal de acesso á Cidade Velha
Cidade Velha (12 kms from Praia)
Ilha de Santiago
tel. Restaurant 2671333 - 9988850 - 9961046

Read the Story of Kusa di Kása, the latest crazy scheme from the creators of the site, on the "Our Story" page.

The al fresco Restaurant which was opened two years ago, is on the ground floor directly under the Bed & Breakfast
Here you can taste traditional Cape Verdean dishes (many of which have vanished from many restaurant menus) and traditional Italian food at reasonable prices.
The girls, who run the business independently, revise the Menu , so have a look on the website to see what is on offer.

KUSA DI KÁSA (Cose di Casa) - Restaurant
Cidade Velha - Ilha de Santiago - CABO VERDE
tel. 2671333 - 9988850 - 9961046

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